Friday, August 8, 2014

The Seven Things I won't miss.

In order from last to first: The Seven things I won't miss while we are on Semester at Sea

7.  My daily half hour drive to work (although I get a lot of good thinking done). I'll be 30 seconds away from my job on the ship.

6.  House cleaning, including dish washing.  I wish I had a cabin steward at home.

5.  Cleaning stalls every morning

4.  Committee meetings at work. Some people think that more meetings are better. On our last voyage in Sp 2010, we had 2 meetings on the ship. We had 3 meeting the first day I was back at work.

3. The re-organization that is going on in the library.  Who know what my job will look like when I return.

2.  Robo calls in an election season.

1.  My wife.  I won't miss her because she will be right there with me as the best travel companion in the world.

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