Friday, August 22, 2014

Information Overload

It was a beautiful day in SouthHampton.  We were on the ship all day, but that didn't matter, because we were on the ship.  The flags on the 5th deck aft were flapping away in the breeze. Our cabin is on the 4th deck about halfway back on the port side (left), and this is on the seaward side while we are at this port.  It's dark as I type, and I just watched a huge ship loaded (I presume) with new cars being towed out of port by a tug.

It has been a busy day of orientation, and I gave the faculty orientation about the library.  They were mostly interested in getting their readings up in the Academic Folder so they could check them. I got them uploaded this afternoon, and entertained some faculty who brought files with them to upload.  Everyone is so overloaded with information, that they were extremely grateful when I helped several of them upload some of their own stuff.

Mike Zoll from Institute for Shipboard Education gave a nice orientation to the Jeffersonian Ideal of the Academical Village and how it is uniquely possible on the ship.  Nancy and I knew just how true that was.  We also signed up for an "extended family" today, and more on that later.

The nice thing about the gorgeous weather was that were able to eat lunch and dinner on the back deck where we made several news friends.  Our strategy is to sit with different people as much as possible, but we liked everyone so much that we want to enjoy their company again soon. Several couples had a UVa connection through graduate school many years ago, and we even had some common acquaintances.

The theme on this voyage is the same as most voyages--flexibility.  Fortunately, everyone seems to buying into it. It's a good thing, because this evening was an onboard reception for families of students who will be sailing, and we were all asked to participate.

It was a good time, and we got to use the library for one evening as it was originally used--as a bar (in a ship casino), except for the casino part.

The good news is that after the reception, I found the shipment of books for the library.  They had gotten delivered to one of the classrooms with the bookstore books. I couldn't get to them tonight, but we'll get them unpacked in a long day tomorrow.

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