Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Taking care of Business

I'm still trying to anticipate things that would need to be taken care of while we are away.  One important items is voting in the Fall elections.  Since our Congressman has resigned, this will be highly contended election in Virginia.  So, among the million and one things that I have done in the last week, checking on absentee voting.  It's great news.  We Virginians can apply for an absentee ballot by email which sure helps when getting mail in different ports will be dicey.
The form I need is right here.  Now, I've just got to get it filled out and mailed in before we leave.

Today was my six months dental visit that I only thought about last week and had to re-schedule for an earlier date.  It's good to head off knowing that you don't have a cracked tooth or broken filling.
This selfie shows just how happy I was.  One of the things you do before sailing is minimize any thing that can cause injury.  I teased my hygienist that I haven't chewed ice in 6 months (to which she replied, "don't you mean ever?")  I also have not participated in any grueling sports or activities.  We had a guy on our last voyage who spent most of it on crutches from a pre-voyage injury.

My car inspection comes due in September, so I got that done last Saturday even though it kills me to lose one month of my inspection time.

Annual dry cleaning-check.  Property tax payment-taken care of.  Change filters and smoke alarm batteries-check. Give away chickens-check.

I'm starting to feel a little more comfortable about leaving next Monday, and maybe I will sleep better tonight.

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