Monday, August 18, 2014

Seven things I'm looking forward to the most

As we have been getting ready for this voyage, it's only natural that we look back to our Spring 2010 Semester at Sea trip and think of some of our favorite aspects.  But, we know that this will be a different trip, so we have been managing expectations, and we certainly want this voyage to be unique. So, here are seven things that I'm looking forward to in no particular order.

1.  The shipboard community. We made a lot of friends on our previous trip, and we plan to be a little more outgoing this time, because we didn't meet some great folks until late in the voyage.

2.  World Heritage Sites.  My little confession is that I seem to be the only person who has never been to Europe. There is lots to see, and I an looking forward to being awed, just as I am every time I walk past the Rotunda at UVA.

3.  Leaving my comfort zone.  We are going to "stretch" ourselves a little and get off the beaten path. At the end, it is fun to look back and see what things are like outside the normal tours. I expect that Senegal will provide some interesting challenges and experiences.

4. Serendipity.  Some times you just happen onto some really cool things or places.  Music in Saigon was like that, and we know we will have unexpected treats waiting.  We will also get to see some old friends in several countries, and local guides will provide some unique adventures.

5. Sunrises/sunsets.  There is  no better sunrise than an unobstructed view of the sun rising from a ship in the ocean.  This is a good time to meet people, to reflect on our world, and  to enjoy a cup of coffee to begin the day.

6. Arriving at ports.  You have to get up early,  but seeing a country as you arrive at a port is awesome.

7.  Having the voyage underway.  Getting ready for a trip is a lot of work and stress. That will continue as we make our way by plane today to England and eventually the ship (the great mother). After the long hours in the next few days of getting the ship library set up, we will be able to settle into the rhythm of daily service.  I love that library.

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